CCTV Online Review Operator Routine: Number Guarantee Package, Why Is It Difficult?

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The number guarantee package refers to the minimum consumption package of the operator. For example, the minimum consumption package of an operator is 8 yuan, including 30 minutes of voice calls and 100MB of traffic. Brush a few short videos and make a phone call to the customer, which may be used up in a day. Such "chicken ribs" package can only play a role in ensuring the normal operation of mobile phones, so it is jokingly called "number protection package".

However, such a package is the "just need" of many people: if you don't want to cancel your domestic mobile phone number after studying abroad and working for several years, you can open a "number guarantee package" to keep the mobile phone number alive at a low cost;

The old mobile phone number used for many years is bound with many apps. You can open a "number protection package" and occasionally receive SMS verification codes;

The package provided by the operator is not cost-effective. What if you don't need hundreds of minutes of voice calls? "Number protection package" + traffic package DIY by yourself, and live a frugal life.

Guaranteed number package: sounds good, but it's hard to do

We all have this experience: when handling mobile phone business online, customer service will always warmly recommend: XX directional traffic, RBT MMS business, unlimited speed limit Among all kinds of fancy nouns, a word vaguely reveals, "expensive!"

When you say "you want to apply for a low price package", the customer service is instantly indifferent:

"The owner needs to go to his own business hall at the place of ownership"

"It can only be handled by providing old-age certificate, poverty certificate or disability certificate"

"This package is no longer available"

If you really believe it, it's right for the customer service - these are just "persuasive words".

As early as August 2018, the Ministry of industry and information technology has issued a document stipulating that telecom operators shall not restrict users from changing tariff packages. Why does the customer service swear that "it can't be handled online"?

Insiders said that this was caused by the performance KPI of the operator company. Assessment indicators such as the number of users and the number of high-value packages make it very possible for users to be "fancy" retained by customer service when changing low-cost packages.

Use "magic" to defeat "magic" to prevaricate and pretend to be silly in the face of customer service. Users who are unwilling to be cheated have developed a "low price package handling strategy". On the social platform, many netizens shared the experience of successfully handling the insured package and guided the "Xiaobai" to fight back against the customer service script.

What if the customer service refuses to handle the low price package?

There is a "don't listen" reply:

"Customer service recommended that other packages are not required,

It has always been said that if you handle it online, the customer service will do it. "

There is a threat of "you lose me if you don't do it":

"Be tough. If you don't handle it, you'll say you're ready to 'Cancel cards and accounts' and' transfer to the Internet with numbers'."

There is also the ultimate killer - complaint: "tell the customer service that they have consulted the Ministry of industry and information technology. The three operators have not cancelled the minimum consumption and can handle it online. If they can't handle it online, go to the Ministry of industry and information technology to complain."

According to the feedback of netizens, these "words" are quite effective, which can make the customer service "have operation authority in an instant"**

However, the original rights and interests of users have to be obtained in a big circle. Is it really necessary? "Since ancient times, the routine cannot be retained, only sincerity can win the hearts of the people." it is the right of customers to modify the low-cost package, but now it needs "strategy search" and "script learning" to realize,

Absurdity is mixed with a trace of helplessness. The customer service learned the unified script of retaining customers,

Use the information gap to recklessly mislead or even deceive users. Users should have the right to know.

If all packages are clearly publicized and users can check everywhere, how can there be room for routines such as "package upgrade is easy, downgrade is difficult" and "number transfer is difficult"?

The opacity and non disclosure of information, ostensibly the "tricks" of customer service, is actually the insincerity of operators.

On the other hand, customer service and users should not have become antagonists. The essence of customer service is to provide customers with high-quality service. However, when the performance appraisal focuses on the number of users and the number of high value packages, under the pressure of performance, customer service can only try to retain customers by "kicking the ball".

The fundamental reason is that operators are too "money oriented", which leads to the deviation of their own service provider positioning.

Now, with the full implementation of the number carrying network transfer, users have more natural and unrestrained of "bye bye, next better". When the barrier of changing operators disappears, users will also "vote with their feet", and the living space of "script" is destined to be less and less.

Instead of using routine to retain users for a short time, operators should show sincerity and win users' long-term trust with high-quality services.

Customer service and users, these "speech masters" who are forced to practice, should disappear.

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