Eight "genius Species" Using Tools: Sea Otters Use Stones To Break Abalone For Food

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On June 5, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, humans are not the only animals that know how to use tools. Facts have proved that some creatures know how to use objects such as branches and stones as tools to help them build nests and obtain food. Here are eight "genius species" on earth that are good at using tools:

  1. Gorilla

Although gorillas use tools less frequently than chimpanzees and other animals, they know that when needed, they will make use of surrounding objects as much as possible and make tools. In the nouabal é -ndoki National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, gorillas were observed using sticks to test the depth of swamp pools. In another example, an adult female gorilla crosses a deep pool with a small shrub trunk as a bridge.

  1. Crow

It is no secret that crows use branches to get food. What is more exciting is that researchers have observed that crows use their beaks to cut a "hook" at the end of the branches, which makes it easier to get food in a narrow space. In fact, crows can combine different tools to make more useful tools. In a laboratory experiment, four crows can combine several short wooden strips into a long wooden strip, so as to squeeze the insects out of the box. They can realize that the short wooden strip cannot touch the food, but they can achieve the goal by assembling tools.

  1. Elephant

Elephants are very intelligent animals. They not only have excellent memory, but also have the ability to think creatively when solving problems. Elephants have been seen using their trunks to pick up and hold sticks for scratching. They have also been observed using branches and leaves to drive away flies. In addition, when successfully completing the "floating object task", elephants also show the skills of solving problems on the ground, which requires high cognitive ability.

  1. Hyacinth

Mockingbirds look very cute and hairy. In fact, they are very smart and "evil"! They are good at using some tools, and their means of killing prey are very cruel. They usually use sharp branches and barbed wire to penetrate the prey. Their prey includes worms, lizards, small rodents, other birds, and even snakes. The next time people see a Mockingbird, they must remember that they are facing a brutal "executioner".

  1. Dolphin

It is no secret that dolphins are intelligent creatures. The CIA even plans to use dolphins to carry explosives to sink enemy ships. Dolphins can use surrounding objects as hunting tools. In order to prevent nose injuries during foraging, some dolphins carry sponges when swimming for foraging and digging the seabed. Sponges can protect dolphins from sharp rocks and corals, cutting the skin of their heads.

  1. Sea otter

When it comes to getting food, sea otters don't waste time. Sufficient evidence shows that sea otters know how to use stones to hit food. They can use stones to knock open the shell of abalone to get fresh meat. In addition to abalone, they also eat clams, mussels and other shellfish. Sea otters are the only known marine mammals that use stones so far.

  1. Octopus

Octopus like aliens is one of the most intelligent creatures in the world, and there are good reasons to show that octopus is a master of camouflage. They not only use color changing pigments to camouflage and avoid dangerous predators, but also skillfully use their surrounding environment to integrate themselves into the background environment and wait for opportunities to launch deadly attacks on prey.

  1. Chimpanzee

Chimpanzees are "experts" in using tools. As we all know, the media has reported many times that chimpanzees can use stones to break nuts, and can use branches and grass to "fish" reptiles such as ants and termites. Wild chimpanzees also share tools with each other and teach their young how to use tools to hunt and defend.

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