Meguiar Demonstrated That Layer 232 Enhanced NAND Tried To Combine Flash Memory And Master Control

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The core components of an SSD hard disk are the master control and flash memory. A few days ago, at the investor conference of micron, it was mentioned during the official demonstration of 232 layer flash memory that SSD will use internal and external master control in the future. Internal master control means that the flash memory chip and master control are combined into one.


According to micron, internal master control means that some more basic and lower-level functions (such as garbage collection) can be performed in parallel at the flash level, thus making SSD run faster**

Due to the speed advantage of internal interconnection, these commands are more efficient than those transmitted from the master to the storage unit through the bus.

However, some people soon thought of the "integration of storage and computing" technology. From this point of view, it doesn't seem very new.

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