Tiktok Clip Has Supported NVIDIA Video Encoding And Decoding: The Video Production Speed Has Increased By 4.3 Times

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According to the official wechat of @ NVIDIA geforce, the popular professional version of @ clip in China has added support for NVIDIA video codec. At present, the operation of nvenc and nvdec on NVIDIA GPU can improve the video production speed by up to 4.3 times**

According to the data, Jianying is currently the official video editing and editing application of Tiktok. It has comprehensive editing functions, supports variable speed, various filter effects, and rich music library resources, so that Xiaobai can easily use rich editing effects for video clips.

At first, the mobile phone version was developed for the paper clip, and then it gradually spread to the pad, MAC and windows Computers cover almost all mainstream platforms

Interestingly, the team of Jianying was not created by the original Tiktok internal team, but by the original face cute team.

Facebook is a popular Internet app in 2013 and 2014. In this app, users can simply and quickly generate their own cartoon avatar image through a large number of hairstyles, facial features and background colors. It became popular quickly. At that time, many netizens used similar avatars.

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