Wechat Video Number "first Battle" 618: The Live Video Will Have Traffic Incentives

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Recently, for the first time, wechat video prepared a live good things festival for 618 to stimulate the flow of live video. It is reported that the incentive of the wechat video number is divided into four parts, which respectively motivate the merchant live broadcast from the dimensions of appointment, selling goods, planting grass, etc**


First of all, merchants and experts released 618 themed high-quality grass planting videos, which enabled them to participate in relevant activities. Accounts that ranked high in the activities could receive additional traffic rewards.

By means of grass planting videos, etc. the more fans are guided to make an appointment to enter the live broadcasting room, the more traffic rewards businesses will receive ; If the conversion rate is high enough, you can get additional public domain traffic rewards.

After the drainage is completed, in a single live broadcast, as long as the merchant completes the specified sales amount target, it can obtain the traffic reward of the corresponding gear. The reward will be distributed to the merchant in the form of traffic coupons after the live broadcast.

Finally, during the event, outstanding businesses will receive red dot recommendations on the discovery page, and are expected to be displayed at the core recommendation position of the main venue of the event, with benefits such as traffic support in the live broadcast room and atmosphere building**

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