Page 2 - Tour
City Walking Guide: Beijing, the romantic streets of a big city

Since I left home in college, I have traveled and lived in many cities over the years. One of my very common observations is that northern cities have a more angular, rougher feel than southern cities, with wider roads, squarer buildings, and cleaner lines. Then I went to Europe ...

City Walking Guide: Plymouth, the UK's safest city

Hello friends of Minority, I am the very uprightly named Park Bucheng, whose name is taken from Mr. Guo Degang's famous comic strip and is one of my favorites among Mr. Yu Qian's many callings. I'm a fan of Old Mac's face and a reader of The Minority, and after seeing the City Wanderer Guide series, I couldn't resist sharing my small town with you ...

GeoGuessr: Take a trip from home

GeoGuessr was released in 2013 and initially it was a web game with only one mode. The game would give a Google Maps street view and you could move around and determine where you were by the various details in the map - it wasn't enough to know what country, you needed to make the chosen location point as close as possible to the map's real location.

City Walking Guide: Singapore, the Lion City in the New Crown Era

When I was young, I had an "out-of-this-world" mentality, aspiring to a life of seclusion and solitude. As I grew older, I realized the social nature of human beings, that they are social creatures and cannot exist apart from society. So, my thinking gradually changed and moved closer to the "world", in my own words ...