Air Shows Full-size Air One Evtol Prototype At Kentucky Jockey Club

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This weekend, there is an interesting intersection between the future and the past of human mobility. It is reported that Israeli company Air chose to display its full-size prototype of air one for the first time at the Kentucky Jockey Club. It is a two seater, personal evtol aircraft that can fly when bought, focusing on leisure and entertainment**

The air one is a compact coaxial eight axis aircraft, which can accommodate two people flying side by side under the panoramic glass cabin. Its eight electric motors can provide a peak power of 771 horsepower for its three blade propeller with a maximum payload of 441 pounds (200 kilograms).

Despite its prominent wings, one itself has no special cruise mode. At the same time, there is no sign of forward propulsion. In fact, the angle of wing inclination can make them generate lift when the aircraft tilts forward. This makes flight dynamics relatively simple - pilots should only need about 16 hours of training - and relatively cheap.

However, the speed will be affected. Air says it can cruise at 100mph (161km / h) with a maximum speed of 155mph (250km / h). However, for a manned multi rotor aircraft, its declared range and endurance are impressive - Air claims a flight time of one hour, a range of 110 miles (177 kilometers), and a fast charge can be completed in one hour.

After testing some prototypes up to 60%, air has now sent a full-size prototype to the United States and another is being built in Tel Aviv, which will begin flight testing in the coming months. The company's schedule indicates that it will begin manned flight testing in the third quarter of this year and before the "certified prototype" in 2023 and the first customer delivery in 2024.

It is worth noting that air does not promote one as a commercial air taxi, but as a personal entertainment machine. It can enter and exit the garage with wheels and folding wings or roll on the trailer. As an "air sports car", buyers can place orders at a price far lower than the cheapest new Ferrari.

It is reported that air will take the prototype to participate in some activities around the United States, and between these activities, it will appear in the showroom of aerauto's Witham Field Airport in Florida.

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