China's Kangxinuo Coronavirus Vaccine Has Been Certified By Who For Emergency Use

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The World Health Organization announced on the 19th that the recombinant coronavirus vaccine developed by China kangxinuo biological Co., Ltd. has officially passed the WHO emergency use certification. This is the third Chinese new crown vaccine that has passed the emergency use certification of who after Sinopharm and Kexing vaccine.

The who said in a statement that the quality, safety, efficacy, risk management planning, program applicability and on-site production of kangxinuo coronavirus vaccine have been evaluated in accordance with the WHO emergency use certification procedure. "The technical advisory group on the emergency use list, convened by who and composed of regulatory experts from around the world, determined that the vaccine met who protection standards against novel coronavirus, and that the benefits of the vaccine far outweighed the risks."

The who said the vaccine was 64% effective in preventing symptomatic infection of the new crown and 92% effective in preventing severe infection of the new crown.

The kangxinuo vaccine has previously been reviewed by the WHO advisory expert group on immunization strategy, which recommends the use of a single dose of 0.5 ml kangxinuo vaccine in all age groups aged 18 and over.

So far, a total of 11 new coronavirus vaccines have passed the WHO emergency use certification, including 4 in the United States, 3 in China and India and 1 in the UK.

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