Google And Samsung Have Reached A Cooperation To Synchronize User Health Data Across Android Applications And Devices

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It is reported that Google and Samsung have jointly created health connect, which plays the role of platform and API (Application Programming Interface), allowing developers to synchronize users' health data between Android applications and devices. This will make it easier for users to track their health data on multiple different platforms.

Once users choose to join, developers can assemble their health data into an encryption hub on the user's device. Google said that users will have complete control over the type of data shared and which applications to share data with. If multiple applications are collecting the same type of data, such as walking steps, users can choose to share the data with one of them. Health Connect supports more than 50 data types in multiple categories, including activity, body measurement, cycle tracking, nutrition, sleep and vital signs.

Health Connect is currently in open beta and accessible to all Android developers. In addition to Samsung, Google also conducted early access plans with developers of myfitnesspal, leap fitness and within. Google fit and Google's Fitbit will also adopt health connect, which means that this technology should be implemented before the release of pixel watch later this year.

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