Hackers Create Robot Phones To Waste Russian Officials' Time. Anyone Can Listen To These Phones

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According to techspot, a hacker organization calling itself "obfuscated dreams of Scheherazade" created a robot and established a teleconference between multiple government entities, making each entity think it was another entity making a call** The purpose is to waste government time and occupy telephone lines. Automatic garbage phones are running continuously during working hours in Russia.

On Wednesday, the hacker group set up a website where anyone can initiate and monitor one of these calls. The website is called "waste Russian time today”。 Users visiting the site can scroll down to the phone icon, start a call between random Russian institutions, and listen to the confusion as they try to figure out who is calling whom and why.

Obviously, understanding Russian may help to understand what is said. However, participants may become intense because officials may be answering meaningless calls all day - anger and depression sound the same in any language. Whether someone uses the site or not, the robot still makes calls without human intervention to ensure that it wastes as much institutional time as possible.

"If you're on the phone, you can't drop bombs or coordinate soldiers," the group said. "(can't speak Russian?) Block the line! You can always guess something from the sound. The higher the level of anger, the better. "

Since its launch on Wednesday, 5186 calls have been made from the website so far. At present, the organization operates using the telephone numbers of thousands of government employees, including Putin's press corps, Duma employees, the military intelligence agency and the Russian Federal Security Agency (FSB). These numbers range from middle-level executives to senior politicians. But the group wants more.

"Obfuscated dreams of Scheherazade" is looking for ways to increase its database. Hackers will receive emails from anyone who may have more phone numbers. They also encourage those who are willing to participate more to conduct independent research in order to establish a broader collection.

Users who make calls from the website are completely anonymous and their voice cannot be heard. Obfuscated dreams of Scheherazade told wired that allowing third-party users to "mute" can ensure that they cannot disclose any identity information to others on the line.

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