It Is Said That The Sequel To Star Wars Jedi: The Fallen Order Of Samurai Was Named "Survivor"

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Jeff Grubb, a reporter from venture beat, a foreign media, broke the news that the sequel of "Star Wars Jedi: the fallen Samurai order" will be named "Star Wars Jedi: Survivor". On his podcast grubbsnax, Jeff said he knew the name of the sequel. After a chat member guessed that the subtitle was "Survivor", Grubb replied:

"Star Wars Jedi: survivors, you're right. You did a good job. That's the name." Grubb then gave no further explanation.

Jeff had previously revealed that the sequel of Star Wars Jedi: the fallen order would abandon the old host and only log on to the PC and this generation host, which would be available in 2023.

In addition to the sequel to Star Wars Jedi: the fallen order of samurai, EA and rebirth entertainment are also developing two Star Wars Games: one is the Star Wars themed first person shooter, with Peter Hirschmann, a former Lucas game veteran and co-founder of medal of honor at the helm. The other is the Star Wars strategy game, which is jointly created by rebirth entertainment and bit reactor, which is established by veterans of UFO and civilization studio Firaxis games.

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