Japan Legislates To Ban The Sale Of Crayfish: It Was Originally Introduced As Feed, But Now It Is Flooded

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According to @ CCTV finance and economics report, Japan's parliament voted on the 11th to pass the revised alien biology law, which will prohibit the sale or release of Mississippi red eared turtles and crayfish in the future** The revised alien law aims to strengthen countermeasures against alien species that may affect the ecosystem. Crayfish, originally known as "Procambarus clarkii", is a saprophytic animal native to North America and Louisiana in the southern United States.

Japan introduced crayfish from the United States in the last century, which was originally introduced as feed for bullfrog breeding, but soon occupied Japanese territory**

Today's Japan has no trace of them except on some islands. All parts of Japan with dense river networks have been occupied by them. The species living in Japan have been squeezed and are now on the verge of extinction.

It is reported that fishermen in Hokkaido, Japan have caught crayfish and sent them to nearby restaurants for cooking, but it does not seem to be a delicious ingredient in the local people. Chinese people account for a large part of the crayfish buyers in the restaurants.

It is worth noting that Chinese crayfish also flowed from Japan in the last century

In the 1960s, Chinese residents began to eat crayfish. By the 1980s, selling crayfish had become a hot business.

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