Musk Warned Twitter Employees: Work Hard And You Will Be Very Demanding

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On May 9, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, warned twitter employees that their workload would reach "extreme levels" after he took over, but he insisted that he would work harder than his employees in order to make the company successful. On Saturday, US local time, musk issued a document outlining the way he operates twitter, emphasizing that he will still focus on technology. "If the acquisition is completed, the company will focus more on hard core software engineering, design, information security and server hardware," he wrote**

Musk wrote in reply to fans' comments on Sunday: "the requirements for employees' professional ethics will be more extreme, but far lower than what I want for myself." "Software managers must write good software, otherwise it's like a cavalry captain can't ride a horse! " this shows that under Musk's leadership, twitter employees still need to work very hard because he has set high ethical expectations for himself, even if they sometimes have a negative impact.

For example, musk took extreme measures when Tesla encountered the challenge of increasing production of model X and model 3. Both cars experienced significant delays, which put great pressure on the company. In response, musk decided to sleep only on the floor of the Fremont factory, so that he could help solve problems in the production workshop in time.

Musk obviously has high expectations for twitter employees. In fact, it may attract a lot of talents. This can be seen in Tesla and SpaceX, two companies led by musk. Both companies are known for their high expectations of employees, but they have always been one of the most attractive workplaces for job seekers. For example, Tesla recently revealed in its 2021 impact report that it received 3 million job applications last year alone.

It remains to be seen whether Musk's statement about his expectations for employees will be accepted by existing twitter employees. According to reports, many twitter employees expressed disappointment with Musk's idea of leading the company, saying his persistence in freedom of speech was "harmful" and chose to leave.

The deal could be completed within the next six months, sparking widespread speculation that musk is planning to cut 1000 existing twitter employees to increase profits. However, musk predicts that in the next three years, the company will recruit thousands of new employees, and the number of employees will increase from the current 7500 to about 11000. Among them, many newly recruited talents may come from the engineering field.

At the company level, musk had previously proposed the idea of closing the San Francisco headquarters to save money, and board members may no longer have salaries, which will cut expenses by another $3 million. Musk even proposed transforming twitter headquarters into a homeless shelter, but it's unclear if he's joking.

These changes are only part of Musk's plan to increase Twitter's annual revenue from $5 billion last year to $26.4 billion by 2028. Among them, advertising revenue will reach US $12 billion in 2028, but its proportion in total revenue will drop from 90% in 2020 to 45%.

In addition, musk expects Twitter's subscription revenue to reach $10 billion in 2028. It is said that he prefers the subscription based operation mode to advertising, because it will make twitter not subject to the pressure of advertisers.

He even suggested that users can pay subscription fees in cryptocurrency, including Musk's dog money. Other revenue will come from businesses such as data licensing. Musk also said on twitter that Twitter could be profitable, but he did not provide specific details. (small)

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