Musk Will Meet With Brazilian President Bosonaro

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According to Brazilian media reports, Brazilian president bosonaro and American business giant Elon Musk will meet in Sao Paulo on Friday. The two sides will discuss the possibility of cooperation in rural networking and deforestation monitoring in Brazil** Last November, musk held talks with Brazilian Minister of communications Fabio Faria in Austin, Texas.

The two talked about using SpaceX technology to bring the Internet to schools in rural Brazil and reduce illegal logging in the Amazon rainforest.

It is said that Friday's meeting will be held in a high-end hotel near Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, and will be attended by several enterprise executives, including Pietro labriola, CEO of Telecom Italia, and Andre Esteves, chairman of Banco BTG pactual, a Brazilian bank.

Bosonaro has been trying to attract Tesla to Brazil for many years. In 2020, his son, Brazilian congressman Eduardo bolsonaro, said he had met with William pop, the former charge d'affaires of the US embassy in Brasilia, to discuss a plan to attract Tesla to build a plant in Brazil. Soon after, bosonaro said he hoped to visit a Tesla factory during his visit to the United States.

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