Tesla Black Employees Failed To Appeal, And The Huge Amount Of Racist Compensation Plummeted By 90%

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U.S. District Judge William Orrick ruled on Tuesday that Owen Diaz, a former black Tesla contractor, could not appeal the judge's compensation decision. Earlier, the judge decided to sharply reduce the $137million huge compensation he received for racist abuse in Tesla's California factory to $15million.


In an order on Tuesday, orick said that Diaz had not found "the controlling question of law with substantial basis", so it was not worth appealing. He gave Diaz 14 days to accept or reject the reduced compensation.

After a seven-day trial in San Francisco, Diaz won one of the largest individual plaintiffs in racial discrimination cases in U.S. history. In April this year, orick cited other court decisions to support his decision and reduced the compensation.

Diaz's lawyer tried to appeal against the pay cut, saying that the judge did not take full account of inflation because the cases he mentioned were 10 and 25 years ago.

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