The 29 Year Old Professional Football Manager Said He Would Train With The Game Football Manager

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William still is the assistant coach of lance sports, one of the French teams. Before that, he was the head coach of lilles and birschott club in Belgium. Considering that he is only 29 years old, these achievements are great, which is very young for a professional football manager.

Steele's football career is very interesting. The media "sportsable" recently released a brief introduction on how he went from coaching Preston U14 team to facing Lionel Messi in his debut in Paris Saint Germain. Now he still chooses to focus on coaching rather than his own game ambition (he also played professionally when he was young), but his fascination with this aspect is due to the much time he spent with his brother Edward on the game of football manager. By the way, Edward Steele himself is also the coach of the Belgian chalerova team.

Interestingly, their parents banned video games when they were young, but nothing could stop them from playing their favorite game at that time: Premier League football manager 2021 developed by EA.

"We played that disc until it broke," Steele said. "We played for a lot of hours. We never bought a new version. We played that disc until it couldn't be read any more."

Eventually, the pair changed to play champion manager, the predecessor of football manager developed by Sports Interactive. They will still play until the early morning.

"The worst part happens when I'm about 14 or 15," Steele said. "I look at the clock. It's 10 p.m. and you say, 'Oh, I'll go to bed at midnight.' and then the next thing you know is it's 4:30 a.m. and you wake up and think, 'why the hell am I doing that?' but, yes, for a while it's getting a little too much."

Steele finally decided to take the coach more seriously and began to learn for it. Around this time, he also realized that although he could play, he would not be the next Ronaldo.

"The football manager gave me the motivation to build a team," Steele said. "I want to talk to the players. I want to build this relationship. I mean, I'm good at football, but FM gives me a glimpse of the reality of managing a team."

"I actually think people who play football manager know more about this sport. You have to know a lot of details to really win and succeed in the game, especially now it's getting more and more complex. I'm grateful to those who are so enthusiastic and immersed in the game."

"It's definitely an eye opener to see how much work there is actually to be a manager. A large part of what happens in the game is actually what happens in real life, and when you do it day after day, you really realize how similar it is."

"That sounds silly, but it makes sense in many ways. For example, when you transfer, you have the initial offer, then the counter-offer... And then you have a player who doesn't agree with his salary."

"There is also general player dialogue, establishing training systems, fitness groups and training plans; groups and individuals. The more you go into the details of the game, the more you understand how it happens in real life."

"If you play football manager in a simple way, just set up your team and make sure your transfer is ranked, you won't learn much. But the more details you enter, the more real it will actually become. I think football manager has helped me become a better coach."

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