Top Gun 2 Grossed More Than $100 Million At The Box Office In Its First Week, Ushering In A Highlight Of Its Career

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Analysts believe Tom Cruise's "top gun 2" will be the pinnacle of the actor's career - grossing more than $100 million in the first week. Theaters are particularly optimistic about the film. It is generally believed that the film, which is scheduled to be released in the United States this weekend, will win $125 million at the box office in the first week.

The only uncertain factor is the people over the age of 35. They are not only the yeqinghui group targeted by the film, but also cautious about crowded places. The reason why spider man: no return of heroes achieved the highest opening record in the epidemic era (US $260 million in the first week) is inseparable from the mobilization of young viewers.

Even according to the most conservative estimates, "top gun 2" will earn $85 million to $100 million at the box office in the first week, which is still the highest record in liangtang's career - contrary to the perception of fans, none of the blockbusters starring the action star can win $65 million at the first weekend. The current record is "World War II" (US $64.9 million) released in 2005, followed by "mission impossible 6: total disintegration" (US $61.2 million) released in 2018.

The production cost of "top gun 2" is as high as 170 million US dollars, which is separately calculated for publicity and distribution. Liang Tang always likes to do it himself. In addition to shooting those deadly stunts himself, he also likes to fly around to various publicity activities. For example, landing on the aircraft carrier deck by helicopter for a press conference, flying to Cannes for a red carpet - the French government is responsible for sending out the "French gun cavalry" flight performance team, and the air dance film industry has to sign for other expenses.

Jon Hamm, who plays a Navy General in the film, recalls meeting Liang Tang. The advertising maniac has met Tom Cruise on different occasions before, but the two have never worked together.

Since Jon used to be a football star, Liang Tang thought they must have something in common:

"Jon, what do you do for fun and hobbies, skydiving? Riding a motorcycle? Driving a helicopter?"

"Well, I walk the dog."

Although Jon's favorite amateur activities (including tennis) are not at all appetizing to the soup, he still received the cake sent by the latter - Tom Cruise orders his favorite white chocolate coconut cake from Doan's bakery every Christmas, which is both a greeting and recognition.

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