Weatherkit Online Test: Dark Sky API Substitutes Support Android And Web Applications

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At the WWDC 2022 conference held this morning, apple finally brought the official weather app to the iPad But more importantly, it launched a detailed weatherkit to replace the dark sky API abandoned on Android in 2020 This new weather service will allow developers to create and use the same dark sky backend as before.

Together with the new Apple weather service, weatherkit provides a wide range of valuable weather data for applications and services to help people maintain the latest and safest use experience.

Weatherkit has four use requirements, of which the "software" part is the most critical: "weatherkit requires IOS 16 and ipad OS 16, MacOS 13, tvos 16, or watchos 9. Rest APIs can be used for websites and other platforms ". "Other platforms" explicitly covers developers who use weatherkit to develop Android applications for underlying data.

In terms of privacy, Apple "Location information is only used to provide weather forecasts, has nothing to do with any personally identifiable information, and will never be tracked between requests," said. Meanwhile, apple listed the pricing plan of weatherkit today and launched the registration details this summer. Today, developers are also provided with information about "transition from dark sky".

500000 calls / month: included in membership

1million calls / month: $49.99

2million calls / month: $99.99

5million calls / month: $249.99

10million calls / month: $499.99

20million calls / month: $999.99

It is currently in the testing stage. Considering the requirements of IOS 16, ipados 16, MacOS 13, tvos 16 or watchos 9, weatherkit is likely to be launched this fall. It is hoped that a new or updated Android weather app will be launched soon.

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