Why Do Apple Auto Executives Leave Frequently? They May Have Lost Confidence

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Christopher "CJ" Moore, project manager of Apple cars and former director of Tesla autopilot, changed his job after only nine months and became the latest Apple auto executive to leave, which makes people doubt Apple's car making ambition.


The well-known reporter markgurman said in his latest issue of "power on" on Sunday, Apple There are many possible reasons for the continued resignation of senior executives of automobile projects, including unclear project vision and poor management, as well as the lack of confidence of team members.

He pointed out that Apple has set an ambitious goal to launch a fully autonomous vehicle without steering wheel and pedals. But according to gulman, no one at the top of Apple believes that apple can achieve this goal within the expected timeline. Think about it. Apple initially wanted to launch its own car in 2020, and then set a goal for 2025. But now it seems that its launch time may be 6 or 7 years later than the initial goal.

Guomingpei, a well-known Apple analyst at Tianfeng international securities, also pointed out in March this year that the apple auto project team has been disbanded for "some time", and the team needs to be restructured in the next three to six months to achieve the goal of listing and mass production of Apple cars in 2025.

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