YouTube Will Launch Beta Version Of Membership Gift Function

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According to the verge report, YouTube is launching a beta version of the function of gifted members, which will be used for specific channels from Wednesday. Membership gift is an improvement of YouTube's Twitter subscription function. Viewers can use it to express their financial support for creators and obtain some privileges, such as custom emoticons. Twitch users have been able to buy Gift subscriptions for some time, but they can't do it if they want to buy Gift memberships for other YouTube fans.

YouTube said on its page about the function that the beta version of the membership gift function will first be available to "a small group of creators" and will be extended to more people "in the next few months". Channels interested in trying this feature can fill out this Google form, but users first need to be eligible to enable membership, which has its own set of requirements. Gift giving will only apply to viewers who use desktop browser windows - buying gift memberships on the mobile side is what YouTube plans to prepare for the full launch of this feature.

Viewers must also opt in to receive membership gifts on the channel (this may be a way to prevent harassment, as YouTube has changed its version of the Blitz). Membership gifts will appear in the chat. Users must click a link and then switch to allow gifts. You can see what this experience looks like from this screenshot.

"Through membership gifts, your channel members can purchase a certain number of channel memberships [5, 10, 20 ] at one time, and Youtube will 'give' these memberships to other viewers in your live stream," YouTube said. "The audience who receives the membership gift can enjoy your channel membership treatment within 1 month, such as loyalty badge, custom emoticon, etc. the audience who receives the membership gift does not need to pay any fee. As the creator, you get your usual share of income from each transaction."

Membership gifts are just the latest YouTube version of the main twitch features launched to better compete with Amazon's popular streaming services. But YouTube not only competes in functionality - it also attracts some well-known twitch anchors, including drlupo, Tim the tatman, Ludwig, etc.

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