After The Man "returned T To Unsubscribe", He Still Received Spam Messages Repeatedly. The Court Ordered The Merchant To Apologize And Compensate 10 Yuan

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At the end of the spam message, there is always a prompt of "back to T and unsubscribe". After returning to t, the user will still receive the spam message. In a rage, the user took the merchant to court. It is reported that recently, the court of Ouhai District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province tried and ruled on a lawsuit caused by business marketing SMS.

On April 11, 2020, Mr. Wang received a marketing message from a food company, and then called the merchant to stop sending it On April 9 and 10, 2021, Mr. Wang received another marketing message from the company for two consecutive days. This time, he replied "t" to unsubscribe

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang subsequently received several marketing messages from the company. The merchant revealed that the store provided mobile phone numbers and messages, which were sent by a third party.

Mr. Wang sued and asked the company to bear the unsubscribing SMS fee of 0.1 yuan, double the compensation for the unsubscribing loss of 499.8 yuan, 5 yuan for mental loss and 4500 yuan for other transportation expenses, lost work expenses, printing fees and other losses.

Ouhai court found that the defendant's food company disturbed others' peace of life, and ordered it to make a written apology to Mr. Wang and pay 0.1 yuan of SMS unsubscribing fee and 9.9 yuan of other reasonable expenses**

In addition, in fact, the word "back to t unsubscribe" appears at the end of many spam messages, which is also one of the routines of businesses. If it happens to verify that the mobile phone number is still in use after back to t unsubscribe, spam messages will not stop sending, but even more vigorously than before, and the routine is impossible to prevent.

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