Epic Adds A Filter Function To Classify The Game Library

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The functions of epic mall are slowly landing, and the evolution speed of epic game mall is much slower than we expected. Epic no longer publicizes every new feature added, but users of epic mall certainly need to know every functional update. Recent updates have been launched, including adding another basic function to epic game Mall - game library filter.

Previously, if you heard that epic mall didn't classify players' game libraries, you might not believe your ears, but it's true. Epic users can only be classified by alphabetical order or recent play time. The new epic mall update has greatly improved this situation.

At present, epic game library has added a "filter" partition, and players can use various options to classify the growing game list. This includes type, function, type and platform. There are as many sub options as possible under each sub menu. For example, the "type" menu has nearly 30 sub options, including comedy, puzzle, cards, survival and so on. Other menus can help epic users find cooperative games, VR Game, game editor or Mac game.

Although the filter may not be a function of changing the experience, the importance of the function cannot be underestimated. Many epic users now have dozens or even hundreds of games, which is due to the free game service provided by epic. It's easy to imagine that if we forget the name of a game, we will look for it in hundreds of games. That's enough to keep people from using epic.

Epic will continue to promote some additional features and plans to release them in the near future. User profile may be the most important new feature, but other features including game rating, voting and notification system are also listed as "up next". These features may appear slowly, but epic users can trust that they will eventually appear.

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