Microsoft Reminds That Windows Server 20h2 Will Stop Supporting On August 9

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Microsoft today issued a reminder that Windows Server 20h2 will stop supporting on August 9. In other words, once the deadline is reached, the windows server 20h2 version will not be further updated, so the security vulnerabilities that may affect the operating system will not be repaired.

In other words, after the Patch Tuesday activity in August 2022, Microsoft will no longer be responsible for the windows Server brings the latest updates, at which time the platform will be considered retired and will not receive any other improvements.

"Windows Server 20h2 will reach the end of service on August 9, 2022. This will also be the retirement of Windows Server semi annual channel (SAC). There will be no sac version of Windows Server in the future, and this product will not receive security updates after August 9, 2022," Microsoft said.

Microsoft said: "windows server is moving to the long-term service channel (LTSC) as the main release channel. Customers using Windows Server sac should move to azure stack HCI. In addition, customers can use the long-term service channel of Windows Server".

In addition, Microsoft also reminded that IE browser will retire on June 15, when everyone needs to switch to IE mode bundled with Microsoft edge.

Microsoft said:

From June 15, 2022, Internet Explorer 11 (ie11) desktop applications will cease to be supported in Windows 10 semi annual channel and windows 10 IOT semi annual channel. We encourage customers to move to Microsoft edge, which supports traditional and modern websites and applications.

For organizations that rely on traditional Internet Explorer based websites and applications, the website will need to be configured to open in Internet Explorer (ie) mode in Microsoft edge.

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