Music MiniPlayer: A Practical Application Of ITunes 10 Nostalgia

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Developer Mario Guzman recently launched a new app called "music MiniPlayer" to bring the most useful features in iTunes 10 back to the Mac This utility duplicates the design of the classic iTunes 10 MiniPlayer for Mac, but adds some modern style.

In recent years, iTunes has had a bad reputation. Before 2019, iTunes for Mac will package many different functions into one application, including apple music, TV programs and movies, podcasts, etc.

With the release of MacOS Catalina in 2019, Apple will split these different media types into different applications, including music, podcasts and TV. Although the music application on the MAC is still largely based on the original iTunes, it has clearly undergone many different design and feature changes over the years.

Mario Guzman's music MiniPlayer is a new remote control application for music applications on the Mac. As explained by macstories, the music MiniPlayer itself is not a music player, but a separate utility that can interact with music applications built into MacOS.

Music MiniPlayer provides incredible iTunes 10 MiniPlayer entertainment, written using the core graphics and core animation frameworks. The utility includes all the same controls, including quick access play and pause buttons, jump forward and backward buttons, scrubbers, and details of currently playing songs, albums, and artists.

Unlike iTunes 10 MiniPlayer, this new music MiniPlayer utility also provides quick access to all playlists. This means that you can quickly browse the entire playlist collection, select the shuffle or repeat option, and start playing without using the music application itself.

For convenience, the music MiniPlayer can even float on your other windows, giving you always quick access to playback controls and playlists.

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