Musk: Twitter Should Restore The Account Of Former US President Trump

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Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted on Thursday night local time that although he preferred that the president in 2024 be a less divided candidate than Donald Trump, he still believed that Twitter should restore Trump's account "Although I think a less divided candidate would be better in 2024, I still think trump should be allowed to return to twitter," Musk wrote on twitter.

Musk added in another tweet on Thursday: "Biden's mistake is that he thinks he was elected to transform the country, but in fact, people just want less drama."

The Tesla CEO made the remarks at the FT live "the future of cars" Conference on Tuesday.

Musk said: "permanent bans should be extremely rare and should really be used for those robot accounts or fraud and spam accounts... I really don't think it's right to block Donald Trump. I think it's a mistake because it alienated a large part of the country and didn't lose Donald Trump's voice in the end."

"I'll reverse the permanent ban," Musk added, "but I don't have twitter yet. So it doesn't seem like something that's bound to happen, because what if I can't have twitter."

Trump had previously said that even if his ban was lifted, he would not go on twitter again, but chose to stay on the truth social he founded.

"I won't go on twitter, I want to stay on truth. I hope Elon will buy twitter because he will improve it. He's a good man, but I'll stay on truth." Trump told Fox News on April 25.

On that day, twitter accepted Musk's offer to buy the company.

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