[picture]shrooly: Let You Eat The Freshest Mushrooms At Home

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Like most ingredients, the best way to get the freshest mushrooms is to grow them by yourself, but it is difficult to grow them. In indiegogo Platform crowdfunding shrooly It is hoped that the cultivation warehouse can make it easy to grow mushrooms in the family environment. The shrooly device itself has a physical switch and an electronic paper display on one side, and can be controlled through a dedicated application.


It is applicable to the pods provided by shrooly company, which have been inoculated with spores of different types of edible mushrooms. The user first puts one of the pods (also known as the result block) into the device, and then adds some water. Then they use the application to select the type of mushroom, and then they just turn on the machine. It continues to maintain appropriate humidity, full spectrum light levels and ventilation, and reportedly grows a harvestable mushroom crop within 7 to 10 days.

During this period, the e-paper display will convey information, such as the temperature inside the equipment and the estimated time before harvesting. Depending on the type of mushroom, each pod can grow one to three batches. The mushroom varieties currently available include bantama, lion mane, oyster, turkey tail, mushroom, chestnut, yellow oyster, pink oyster and Cordyceps sinensis. Users can also try to plant other types from third-party result blocks, using the application to manually set the growth conditions.

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