Scientists Found A Strange "yellow Brick Road" In The Pacific Ocean

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It is understood that the crew of the Nautilus exploration ship is studying a Marine National Monument named Lili in papahanam kokaya in the Pacific Ocean ʻ In the area of uokalani ridge, I saw a strange looking landform. This feature is similar to a cobbled road.

When watching live diving videos of the landscape, the researchers described it as a "yellow brick road" and a "road to Atlantis". In addition, they also called it weird, cool and crazy in a video released last week.

The Nautilus spent most of April studying the geological and biological systems of seamounts, underwater mountains that originated from volcanoes. "At the top of the Nootka seamount, the team found the formation of a 'dry lake bed', which is now recognized as a fault flow of transparent rock (a volcanic rock formed in a high-energy eruption, and many rock fragments settle on the seabed)," the team said The brick like pattern may come from the heating and cooling cycles associated with the eruption.

It is reported that the exploration ship is operated by the non-profit ocean exploration trust, which has conducted a live broadcast of the ship's exploration activities, so that the audience can see what its remote-controlled submersible sees in the deep sea.

The Nautilus records a variety of beautiful and unusual marine creatures, including the lovely giant octopus and a strange gelatinous creature earlier this year. The formation of the wizard of Oz highlights how these ocean explorations can reveal processes that are usually hidden under waves. Along this yellow brick road, we humans will be able to better understand seabed geology.

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