Scientists Have Discovered Millions Of Tons Of Strange New Chemicals In The Earth's Atmosphere

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The chemicals mentioned here are hydrotrioxides. This chemical is composed of one hydrogen atom and three oxygen atoms. However, perhaps the most worrying thing about the duration of these hyperactive chemicals in the earth's atmosphere is their impact on human health and the earth's climate.

Previously, scientists thought that hydrotrioxides existed only for a very short time. But now, a new study shows that they may linger in the earth's atmosphere for at least 20 minutes, maybe longer. Moreover, because it is the product of ordinary chemical reactions, new chemicals are almost constantly produced.

In addition, this highly reactive chemical in the earth's atmosphere can react very quickly with other compounds. And because hydrotrioxides contain extra oxygen atoms, they can be extremely flammable. In fact, other peroxides have been used as rocket fuels because of their flammability.

It is worth noting that this is not a new chemical reaction. The researchers' research report published in science at the end of May pointed out that this is only the first evidence of these chemicals found in the atmosphere. But now that it is known that this super reactive chemical exists in the earth's atmosphere, it really needs to let some scientists know what impact it may have on our health.

Scientists believe that there is a reason why hydrotrioxides are super reactive. Unlike some other chemicals, hydrotrioxides can react with almost all other chemicals. In addition, almost all chemical reactions produce hydrogenated trioxide. Therefore, researchers estimate that at least 11million tons of hydrotrioxides are formed in the atmosphere every year.

Because this highly reactive chemical is so common in the earth's atmosphere, scientists believe it may play a key role in the way the atmosphere works. However, it is not clear what this part is. To prove this, scientists will need to study the entire hydrotrioxides in greater depth.

Although we haven't got all these answers yet, it's always interesting to see science confirm the existence of something in our world. Although the chemical itself may not be new, its presence in our atmosphere is new knowledge. Now that researchers know, they can figure out what role it might play -- even whether it plays a role in the atmospheres of other planets.

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