The Man Didn't Unplug The Charger And Exploded Late At Night, Blackening The Wall: The Mobile Phone Didn't Send The Original One, Which Was Bought By A Third Party

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Do you usually unplug the charger? According to @ Sohu Qianliyan report (Video ) On May 4, a Mr. Qi in Jinzhong, Shanxi Province heard an explosion while sleeping. Later, he found that his mobile phone charger was on fire and exploded. He cut off the main power supply for fire fighting at the first time According to the report, Mr. Qi's charger was bought offline in a small store. It took only one year. It felt outrageous. The socket and bedside table wallpaper were blackened. Fortunately, it didn't explode

According to Mr. Qi, the mobile phone purchased by themselves does not have a free charger, but it costs hundreds of yuan to buy an official charger, which is bought in an offline store**

It should be noted that after he found the merchant, the other party said that the code of the charger had been burned out, the source could not be confirmed, and did not admit that the explosive charger was bought from their home.

Here we also remind you that any brand of mobile phone must try to choose the original charger. Even if you don't use the original brand, you should also choose the third-party brand produced by regular manufacturers and strictly certified.

In addition, it is also a bad habit not to unplug the charger. Previously, the fire department disclosed too many fire incidents caused by forgetting to unplug the charger through microblogging and other platforms

China fire protection has also repeatedly reminded: remember to cut off the power and turn off the fire without leaving any potential safety hazards

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