The New Discovery Challenges People's Understanding Of Water On Mars

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According to slashgear, Mars is now a dry and desolate world. But billions of years ago, Mars was very different and might even look like earth. Researchers believe that its surface is rich in liquid water, forming rivers, lakes and even oceans. In fact, the perseverance probe is currently exploring the dry bed of an ancient lake, because it was a place where life might have existed**

Today, there is very little water on Mars. Water ice exists in some areas, such as near craters and poles. And people think there is water ice under the surface of the planet. But without liquid water, it will be a challenge for future explorers. However, researchers disagree on the exact time when there is water on the surface. Now, using the data of China's "zhurong" probe new research This suggests that water may exist longer than previously thought.

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences looked at the data from the micro imaging camera of the rover and two spectrometers, which analyzed the composition by observing the wavelength of the light absorbed by the sample. They found hydrated minerals in Martian samples, which means they were formed in the presence of water. They also found a layer of material called a "hard shell", which forms in the presence of water.

Until about 3 billion years ago, people had assumed that there was water on Mars. However, this schedule has been challenged by recent discoveries, such as the discovery of signs of salt minerals in NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data, suggesting that water may have existed as recently as 2 billion years ago.

Research using data from the zhurong probe seems to support the concept of water until earlier than previously thought. It collected data from the Utopia Planitia region of Mars and identified hydrated sulfate / silica materials that give rocks bright colors.

In addition, the fact that these rocks are found on the surface is interesting because it indicates the presence of ground ice. This may be a useful resource for future manned missions to Mars, which will require a lot of water.

Water is very important for manned missions, not only to give astronauts something to drink, but also as rocket propellant for launch from the surface of Mars. Astronauts will have to carry too much water on Mars, so they will not be able to find water on the mission.

Although there is a lot of water ice on the surface around Mars's poles, most manned mission plans hope to send astronauts to Mars near the equator. This means astronauts may have to bake minerals to extract water from them, or look for a source of ice to melt to make the water they need.

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