The U.S. Court Ordered All ISPs In The United States To Block Three Pirated Websites

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More than a decade after the repeal of the controversial bill stop online piracy Act (soap), the latest ruling of a U.S. Court shows that it has always had the ability of ISP to block pirated websites. The ban, issued in response to lawsuits against three pirated streaming media services, requires every Internet service provider in the United States to prevent users from accessing these websites.

Earlier this year, producer and film investor Moshe Edery warned that MasterCard, visa and American Express continued to provide payment processing services to pirated streaming websites.

Edery, co-founder of screen IL, an international television streaming platform for Israelis living abroad, said these companies must be aware that pirated websites are involved in copyright infringement and money laundering. The suggestion is that if we continue to do business with them, payment companies should also look forward to legal action against them.

Although this will be the first time in anti piracy law enforcement, several companies related to Edery have just won three independent copyright lawsuits in the United States. These judgments and bans have not only made new breakthroughs in the United States, but also may represent one of the most important anti piracy victories of this century.

Last year, companies including United king film distribution, DBS satellite services and hot communication filed three copyright infringement lawsuits in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Each complaint is directed at a specific pirated streaming website, Israel TV com、Israel. TV and sdarot TV - the latter is Israel's most popular pirated streaming website, with millions of visitors per month.

At least in a broad sense, these lawsuits are relatively unobtrusive. Following the traditional line, they demanded 150000 US dollars of legal compensation for each infringed copyright work and issued an injunction to prevent the infringement from continuing. From the beginning, the operators of these websites seem unlikely to defend themselves in court, which means that the plaintiff's victory in these cases has never been in real doubt.

Late last week, the plaintiffs won all three lawsuits by default. The court ordered Israel TV com、Israel. TV and sdarot The operators of TV paid US $7.65 million in legal copyright infringement compensation related to 51 registered works owned by the plaintiff.

Although the compensation of nearly $23 million is not a trivial amount, the ban issued in these three cases is unprecedented in TV / film piracy cases.

In all three judgments, the defendant was prohibited and restricted from infringing the plaintiff's rights, including the provision of any of its copyrighted works to the public through streaming, distribution or other means. They are also prohibited from operating their websites on existing domain names or any other domain names that may be used in the future.

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