What's New In Edge Canary: Storing And Sharing Files Across Platforms / Devices

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The latest version of the edge Canary channel introduces a productivity feature that allows users to store and share files across devices and platforms. This new function is called "drop". Like collections, history and math solver, it has a special side panel.

The idea behind drop is to provide users with a cross platform space to store various contents. You can drag and drop any file or create a comment by typing it in the message box. After synchronization, items in drop will be available in edge on your other computers and mobile devices.

In general, the Microsoft edge drop feature attempts to emulate the "saved messages" feature in telegram, a dedicated space for storing whatever you want in messenger. Unlike telegram, which provides unlimited cloud storage, Microsoft edge drop seems to rely on the available space in onedrive. Drop settings display the QR code used to download edge on the mobile device and the onedrive storage indicator.

So far, drop is only applicable to Microsoft edge Canary 104 of some users. It is part of a controlled feature launch, so not everyone can immediately test drop on the latest version. You can install edge canary and; Check this function in "appearance" to try your luck.

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