Windows 11 22h2 Has At Least 35 Pre Installed Apps. Fortunately, It Can Be Uninstalled

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The RTM version of windows 11 has been confirmed as build 22621, but Microsoft has not officially announced the exact time of promotion to production equipment The technology media deskreader analyzed the pre installed applications of windows 1122h2 and found that the number of pre installed applications was no less than 35


In other words, when you install windows 11 22h2 on the device, the operating system has 35 applications by default, not counting Microsoft edge, language pack and c++ running environment.

Fortunately, it is easy to remove these pre installed applications. The media said that it only needs to right-click the icon of the application in the start menu and select the option to uninstall these applications to uninstall most of the pre installed programs.

However, nine applications require additional steps before they can be completely removed, such as moving to PowerShell. The good news is that they can still be deleted, although this process may be a bit too complicated for beginners who want to delete them in a more direct way.

The 22h2 version of windows 11 is a major feature update and is expected to be available in the second half of this year, possibly in September. Before that, Microsoft will fully focus on polishing the experience. Therefore, the version to be released in the windows insider plan, especially in the beta and RP channels, will be attributed to cumulative updates to make additional improvements to this version.

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