Huawei And China Mobile Have Released Enhanced Version 5.5G Network: 10Gbps Downlink 1Gbps Uplink

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Today is the third anniversary of China's 5g licensing. At present, the 5g network speed put into operation has reached 1Gbps. Now Huawei, China Mobile and other companies have jointly issued an enhanced version of 5g - 5g advanced technology, that is, the 5.5G network previously proposed by Huawei, with a speed of 10Gbps.


Through these key technologies, 5g-a will support the downlink 10Gbps peak rate, uplink 1Gbps peak rate, millisecond delay, low-cost 100 billion IOT, as well as the ability of sensing, high-precision positioning and other beyond connections.

In April, 2021, the 46th PCG (project cooperation group) meeting was held, and 3GPP officially identified the name of 5g evolution as 5g advanced. At the same time, the meeting decided that 5g-a would start from R18, the R18 version would be approved at the end of the year, and the standard was expected to be frozen by the end of 2023.

5g-a will define new goals and new capabilities for 5g's development after 2025. Through comprehensive evolution and enhancement, 5g can generate greater social and economic value.

5g-a is the same as Huawei's previous 5.5G. Last year, Wang Tao, Huawei's managing director and President of ICT products and solutions, said in his speech that 5.5G needs to continue to innovate in six aspects: spectrum reconstruction, uplink enhancement, full scene IOT, synaesthesia integration, L4 autonomous driving network, green and low-carbon, so as to achieve more than ten times of capacity improvement, build new network capabilities, and achieve excellent network**

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