Organizers Say The Union Vote At The Atlanta Store Was Postponed Rather Than Cancelled

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Appletogether organizers denied that the union vote had been canceled and condemned Apple's alleged intimidation at its Cumberland store in Atlanta It was previously reported that workers at the apple Cumberland store in Atlanta had abandoned their plans to vote on joining the union. The report said that the request for a vote had been withdrawn because Apple allegedly used illegal methods to undermine trade unions.


After Bloomberg later reported on Apple's wage increase, the organizers behind the appletogether labor group raised objections. They said that the media wrongly claimed that the union vote had been cancelled, but also opposed the claim that the vote had been accidentally cancelled.

The vote was supposed to be held on June 2, but the union organizers did not say when the rescheduled vote might be held.

The apple Cumberland store was the first store in the apple store to publicly discuss trade unions. Subsequently, several stores followed up. It is reported that since then, Apple has been employing lawyers with experience in the anti union field. Deirdre O'Brien, the Retail Director, was exposed to have sent a video to employees, claiming that unionization might slow down the progress in the workplace.

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