The Farcical Depp Lawsuit Against Ameber For Libel Is Over, And Then?

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After six years of long and fierce battle, Johnny Depp, a well-known Hollywood movie star and the actor of Captain Jack of the Pirates of the Caribbean, and his ex-wife ameber Hurd finally welcomed the court's judgment on the libel case. Depp won by a large margin and removed the label of "domestic violence man" that had haunted him in the past.

You know, in the history of the United States, it is very difficult to win libel cases, and the plaintiff won no more than five cases. In particular, Depp had already lost the lawsuit with the sun in the UK before the trial of the lawsuit with ameber. Almost everyone thought that he would lose his case with amebo. But in the end, Depp laughed to the end, and he completed this amazing reversal.

This time, the lawsuit between Depp and imeber began on April 11, 2022 and lasted until June 1. Hundreds of millions of gourd eaters around the world watched this century's war in the form of court webcast. The entertainment industry has never been short of dog blood news, but dog blood stories like Depp and amebo still open the eyes of melon eaters. Cheating, domestic violence, alcoholism, shit in bed, and all kinds of sensational rumors have brought the image of the two people at the core of the public opinion vortex to the bottom.

Depp and ameber, who are now enemies, had a sweet marriage in the past.

In 2009, while filming the drama "lime diary", the male lead Depp met the female lead amebo, who was 23 years younger than him. They had a good impression on each other. It was revealed that the time of their public intercourse was 2011. However, it is interesting that Depp did not break up with his then girlfriend Vanessa palladis until June, 2012.

Before falling in love with Depp, amebo once made it public that he was bisexual

In any case, from the outside world, the love between Depp and amebo can definitely be called envy of others. Because amebo likes horses, the heroic Depp gave her a horse directly so that she could enjoy riding at any time.

In order to pursue amebo, Depp also built a bar on his private Island Bahamas, which is the same as that in the lime diary. On Christmas day of 2013, Depp simply gave an island directly to amebo and named it the bay of amebo. Similar romantic acts are constantly performed during their love.

On february3,2015, the two formally married on the Bahamas island. However, just one year later, on may23,2016, amebo filed for divorce and accused Depp of "domestic violence" against him.

Before that, Depp had many failed relationships, but it was the first time he was accused of "domestic violence". For a movie star, the negative impact of domestic violence is self-evident.

Depp did not want the situation to get out of hand. After continuous negotiation, the two sides finally reached a settlement and issued a joint statement, indicating that their marriage was always full of love, which was equivalent to indirectly denying the previous rumors of domestic violence.

The matter had come to an end, but just two years later, the talk about Depp's domestic violence was rampant again.

First of all, the British sun pointed out in an article that Depp, the star of "where are the magical animals", was "beating his wife", implying that he was a domestic bully. Later, on the Washington Post, amebo published a signed article entitled "amebo Hilde: I openly oppose sexual violence and have also encountered cyber violence. This situation must be changed", saying that he had suffered domestic violence. At this time, amebo had become the leader of the global "me too" movement and was appointed as the human rights advocate of the United Nations human rights office. Once the article was published, the media naturally turned their attention to her ex husband, Depp, who was rumored to have been a domestic bully.

Since then, Depp has been bound with the label of "domestic violence man", and its popularity has plummeted and its career has been frustrated. For the sake of his reputation, Depp sued the sun for slander in the UK in june2018 and his ex-wife amebo for slander in the US in 2019, claiming US $50million. However, ameber also refused to be outdone, counterclaimed Depp for slander and claimed 100million US dollars. This long lawsuit has kicked off.

In november2020, the lawsuit between Depp and the sun first came to an end. The court ruled that the sun won the lawsuit and rejected Depp's relevant requests. After the judgment was issued, the sun even wrote another article, calling Depp a "domestic bully". Depp's rating dropped to freezing point. It is widely believed that the lawsuit between Depp and amebo may also end in failure.

However, the lawsuit between Depp and imeber is far less simple than the outside world imagined. The whole process can be called twists and turns.

At first, amebo made public his photos of domestic violence and a video of "suspected domestic violence". Especially in the video, Depp yelled at aimeber, constantly smashing wine bottles and cabinets, and was furious. Not only that, amebo also made public Depp's SMS, which contained threatening words to amebo. All kinds of evidence seem to show that Depp's domestic violence is true. This gave amebo an advantage in public opinion, and many people supported her.

Facing the accusation, Depp flatly denied that he had never beaten any women. In addition, Depp also released photos of himself being beaten by amebo, proving that he was the object of domestic violence. However, it is still hard for people to believe that Depp, who is tall and powerful, will be raped by the petite amebo.

Subsequently, Depp disclosed more eye-catching evidence. During their marriage, ameber was suddenly furious and attacked Depp with a bottle of vodka, causing Depp's fingers to be cut off. Depp disclosed the process of cutting off his finger, saying that not only his body was injured, but also his spirit was seriously injured.

At the same time, the evidence submitted by amebo at the trial site, a concealer used during her domestic violence in 2016, was found to be on the market in 2017. In other words, ameber lied.

This series of evidence has become the key to reversing the risk assessment. Previously, the image of "perfect victim" presented by imeber is no longer tenable.

Not only that, Depp also disclosed an event that was unimaginable to the melon eaters. In 2016, Depp went to their common residence to get something, but found a huge lump of shit on the big bed. Depp accused imeber of doing this, but ameber denied it. Interestingly, at the trial, the judge once asked Depp how to make sure it wasn't dog shit? Depp said the family dog was a Yorkshire teacup dog. This teacup dog weighs only three kilograms, but that shit is almost two kilograms.

Another piece of evidence in Depp's favor came from a recording. In this recording, ameber not only admitted that he had ever used violence against Depp, but also said to Depp, "if you tell the world that a man has been raped, do you think anyone will believe it?"

In this century's lawsuit, Depp apparently made sufficient preparations. At the trial, Depp submitted a new document. In 2009, when amebo and his then girlfriend tasya van REE appeared at Seattle Airport, there was a conflict. Amebo violently attacked tasya on the spot. The incident alerted the local police, and amebo was arrested by the police. Although the matter was soon settled, ameber still left the case behind. Ironically, the reason why the police arrested amebo at that time was amebo's domestic violence.

Depp's rich love history has also helped him win this lawsuit. His predecessors, Winona, palladis and others, have come forward to testify that Depp is a kind person and has no tendency to violence at all. Especially Palladius, who lived with Depp for 14 years, finally broke up with Depp peacefully.

Slowly, the victorious Libra began to tilt to Depp, and the voice supporting Depp showed an overwhelming advantage in public opinion. After several years of tug of war, Depp finally won the lawsuit against amebo on June 1, 2022 and took off the hat of "domestic violence man". The court ruled that amebo should compensate Depp for $15million, of which $5million was punitive compensation, which was reduced to $350000 by the judge. At the same time, one of the counterclaims of ameb against Depp was successful and received compensation of US $2million. This pair of lovers, who used to be the focus of the world, ended up in such a form, which makes people very sad.

There is no doubt that there is no real winner in this century's lawsuit.

Aimebe needless to say, her career was booming after her divorce from Depp. The queen of the sea, played by her in the sea king, once amazed the world. However, after amebo lost the lawsuit, it was rumored that Warner held an emergency meeting and decided to delete all the scenes of amebo in Sea King 2. Princess Meila would die in childbirth.

Depp's experience was much more tragic. Because he lost the lawsuit with the sun, Depp once carried the label of domestic violence man. Affected by this, Warner, the producer of "where are the magical animals", publicly asked Depp to resign as grendevor, and Depp could only choose to agree. Not only that, Depp also lost his qualification to continue playing Captain Jack in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, which made his fans very sad. In the past few years, Depp's career fell to the bottom, almost equivalent to being on the Hollywood blacklist.

Now, although amebo Fang said that he would still appeal against Depp, the century lawsuit has finally come to an end for the time being. Depp, who won the victory, finally began to work slowly. So does that mean Captain Jack will return? After all, producer jerrybruckheimer had previously said that it was hard to say. After Depp won the lawsuit, according to foreign media comicbook, a former Disney executive predicted that Depp was expected to return to the Pirates of the Caribbean series and play Captain Jack again.

However, at the trial, Ben rothenburn, ameber's lawyer, asked Depp: "even if Disney came to you with $300million and 1million alpacas, would you never be able to participate in Pirates of the Caribbean again?"

Depp replied, "yes, Mr. rotenburne."

The story of Depp will not end here. Although many companies chose to cut off Depp from his position during the period when Depp was involved in the lawsuit, some companies did not give up Depp. Among them, Changyou is a well-known game company from China.

In fact, the cooperation between Changyou and Depp has been brewing for a long time. The news that Depp won the lawsuit has just been made public. The details of the cooperation between Changyou's "sea of dawn" and Depp will be released on the whole network. You know, it often takes a long negotiation cycle to negotiate business with Depp, a first-class superstar. This is enough to prove that as early as Depp was in trouble, "the sea of dawn" had already thrown an olive branch to Depp.

At the same time, Depp's cooperation with Changyou also created another first time for Depp to cooperate with mobile games for the first time. As we all know, as a first-class star in Hollywood, Depp has great commercial value, and his value once exceeded 450million US dollars. For this reason, Depp is extremely cautious about business cooperation. In the past, projects cooperated with Depp were top brands in all walks of life, such as Dior perfume and Asahi Beer. Today, Depp has chosen "the sea of dawn" as its first cooperative mobile game, which proves Depp's recognition of the quality of "the sea of dawn".

In fact, it is not surprising that "the sea of dawn" can attract Depp. The sea of dawn is an MMO mobile tour that focuses on Global Adventure in the real world. The background of the era is the era of great navigation. In the huge map drawn with reference to the real world, the player will play a captain full of adventure spirit, search for mysterious treasures, participate in fierce battles and explore unknown continents. It can be said that "the sea of dawn" has a high degree of agreement with Depp. If Depp can play the captain in the game, it is simply full of imagination.

Although it is still uncertain whether Depp will return to pirates of the Caribbean, Depp can still give full play to his talent and give a wonderful performance to the audience in the sea of dawn. At present, it is known that before December 2, 2021, "the sea of dawn" has started shooting a new adventure short film with Depp. Now the short film has been produced, and we will meet the audience at the right time.

For the content of this short film, the outside world has begun to think about it. Many people are predicting that Depp may return to the public again with the classic image of captain. At least, from the analysis of the characteristics of the dawn sea itself, the captain can provide Depp with the largest imagination space. It can bring us a new adventure in the form of cooperation with the game, which makes the outside world full of expectations.

Another good news is that "the sea of dawn" has already obtained the game version number. The official choice to publicly cooperate with Depp at this time should indicate that the public beta time of "the sea of dawn" is approaching. Depp's short adventure film must also officially meet the audience when the public beta of the game starts, which also makes Depp's fans extremely look forward to.

For quite a long time, I haven't seen Depp on the big screen. I hope that the game short film Depp participated in can be seen with the audience as soon as possible. At the same time, we look forward to the early public beta of the sea of dawn. We can gather with Depp in the world of the game and embark on a voyage full of unknown adventures.

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