EBay Builds Vault: Buy, Sell And Store Transaction Cards Like NFT

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EBay recently built a new 31000 square foot facility, eBay vault, to store rated transaction cards worth more than $750 So far, eBay only accepts transaction cards purchased on its website that have been rated by well-known organizations such as PSA and sportscard Guarantee Corporation.


After purchasing the transaction card, the buyer can send the transaction card to eBay vault, where it can not only be stored, but also be resold without shipping assets. The advantage of this is that dawn block, vice president of eBay collections, said that it will "allow collectors to simplify and securely store their portfolios", and can also buy and sell real-time when the card value rises and falls in real time.

The experience of buying and selling collectibles without touching collectibles is very close to cryptocurrency. Digital assets such as NFT are not related to any physical objects, so investors can immediately take action on market changes without worrying about the time required to "move" assets.

With the help of eBay's vault system, these transaction cards can be properly preserved. But unlike NFT, you can also pay eBay to pick up your actual transaction card and send it to you.

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